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About Us

About the Association

Polish Leasing Association(PLA) is composed of 31 leasing companies and Polski Związek Wynajmu i Leasingu Pojazdów (Polish Association of Vehicle Hiring and Leasing). PLA is a member of Leaseurope - an organisation uniting 46 associations from 34 European countries. PLA participates in works of Leaseurope's Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European Countries (CESEE) Working Group, the Automotive Steering Group and cooperates with other Leaseurope's committees and Working Groups.

Cooperation with Leaseurope

In 2008, in cooperation with Leaseurope, PLA took part in: public consultations organised by the European Commission concerning reduced VAT rates, consultations aiming at determining Leaseurope's standpoint in relation to the European Commission as regards the matter of liberalising the market of lorry leasing; it took part, together with ELFA (an American association of lessors), in preparing remerks on leasing (the model international convention regarding leasing) to the UNIDROIT project; it continues undertaking actions aiming at introducing EU regulations concerning the use of digital tachographs in lorries into national regulations; it participated in the process of preparation of Leaseurope's model leasing contracts; it is preparing an opinion on the effects of introducing a new EU VAT directive into national regulations on the leasing industry; it is in the process of preparing a standpoint for the initial version of the Code of Good Practice, concerning sharing information as a means of providing protection against fraud and car stealing.

National market

PLA represents its members' interests by cooperating with numerous business organisations: Związek Banków Polskich (Polish Bank Association), Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza (Polish Chamber of Commerce), Konfederacja Lewiatan (Polish Confederation Lewiatan). PLA is a member of Koalicja na Rzecz Bezpieczeństwa i Transparentności Obrotu Gospodarczego (Coalition for the Safety and Transparency of Business Trading), Koalicja Polskich Środowisk Finansowych na Rzecz Absorpcji Funduszy UE (Coalition of Polish Financial Circles for the Absorption of EU Funds), it participates in the works of Rada Rozwoju Rynków Finansowych (Financial Markets Development Board) at the Ministry of Finance and in the works of Working Groups and Teams preparing and assessing projects of legal regulations regarding the leasing industry. Representatives of PLA are in constant contact with representatives of public administration and members of Parliament. PLA monitors, assesses, prepares or orders to prepare expert's reports on regulations concerning leasing. PLA undertakes image and educational activities, substantially supporting numerous conferences and trainings, in order to promote leasing as a tool that supports the development of entrepreneurship.

Cooperation with Polski Związek Wynajmu i Leasingu Pojazdów

Joining the ranks of PLA by Polski Związek Wynajmu i Leasingu Pojazdów (PZWiLP) indicates a quality change. This accession helps to strenghten the influence of the industry on the decisions of public administration concerning the development of the automotive market and its financing, not only on the national level, but also within the framework of Leaseurope. By working with Leaseurope's Working Group for the Automotive Market, we will have direct influence on regulations concerning this market, prepared by the European Commission. What is more, the extent of the statistic data regarding the Polish leasing market will be broadened with data concerning the long-term leasing market, which has not been included in European reporting before.

Inside the Association

PLA determines the directions of its activity through the Working Groups: Legal Solutions Group, Digitalization Group, PR Group, Statistics Group, Accounting Group, Automotive Market Group, Fraud Prevention Group. PLA regularly prepares and publishes quarterly, semi-annual and annual statistical data reports concerning the leasing market, being the most reliable and trustworthy source of information on leasing in Poland. PLA has prepared, passed and now supervises the observance of rules included in the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for Leasing Professionals. PLA organises numerous events, trainings and seminars with the participation of leasing companies' representatives.

A Short History of PLA

1994 - the Founders' Assembly, attended by representatives of 21 leasing companies, adopted the Articles of Association of the organisation uniting leasing companies and representing the interests of the industry before public administration and self-government agencies. The Founding Committee was created, and in November it registered an organisation called „Konferencja Przedsiębiorstw Leasingowych w Polsce - Związek Pracodawców" (Conference of Leasing Companies in Poland - Association of Employers) in court. The first General Meeting of the Association appointed the members of the Executive Committee with its chairman and created a Conference Office.

2001 - PLA organised an annual Leaseurope Congress in Warsaw.

2003 - By a decision of the General Meeting, the Conference changed its name to Związek Przedsiębiorstw Leasingowych (Association of Polish Leasing Companies).

2008 - A General Meeting of Związek Przedsiębiorstw Leasingowych took place in April. The Association decided on the accession of Polski Związek Wynajmu i Leasingu Pojazdów (PZWPL) to PLA and as a result of that accession, a change of the name to Związek Polskiego Leasingu (Polish Leasing Association). PZWiLP was granted a status of a collective member of PLA, maintaining its organisational structure and autonomy.